Saturday, October 22, 2005
"My mother loved children -- she would have given anything if I had been one."
Groucho Marx. [Quotes of the Day]
My ex used to claim that I was born middle-aged. . .
7:10:12 PM
I was not, absolutely positively not, going to buy one of those rubber wristband things, even a parody like Livewrong; I just couldn't live with myself getting caught up in such a fad. But Laura's convinced me to change my mind: must. . . have. . . Cthulhu wristband. . .
raise awareness of brain-melting horror. The Original "Cthulhu Fhtagn" Wristband Of Rubbery Doom So a friend of mine -- ok he's not really a friend, he's one of the imaginary people who live in my computer -- is selling these custom-made cthulhu wrist bands... [limon :: by Laura Lemay]
Now that's something I can wear with a blend of pride and dread.
7:01:46 PM
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Last update: 11/2/05; 5:18:03 PM.
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