Saturday, October 29, 2005
Jared has good things to say about Ambient Findability:
Peter Morville’s New Book: Ambient Findability. Our friend and past User Interface Conference speaker, Peter Morville, has written a wonderful new book called Ambient Findability. I had a chance to read it before release and found it to be a wonderful and insightful history and discussion of how we find things, whether in the real world or in cyberspace. . .Continue Reading... [UIE Brain Sparks]
I'm only just starting chapter 3, and can already see that I will learn a lot from Peter. Hoping to find much that's applicable to my future, whatever that is.
4:41:45 PM
LukeW sez that design is communication. Which is why technical communicators and information developers should be part of the design process. Especially if the interface, no matter how well it communicates its utility, requires some textual assistance (embedded, help files, labels, whatever). We're part of the design.
Design is communication. Use it as such.. Lesson seven from the 9 Lessons from 9 Years of Interface Design retrospective . . . The design of interactive products requires effective communication with end users. Each product (via its interface design) needs to [base "]tell[per thou] users what features it offers (its utility), how to use those features (its usability), and why they should care (its desirability). . . [Functioning Form: Interface Design]
4:03:48 PM
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