Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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"give me a better idiot"


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  Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Now, Jared. . .

Article: The Truth about Download Time. UIEtips 2/14/06: The Truth about Download Time Christine Perfetti and Lori Landesman discuss a 2001 study where we discovered that when users perceive a site to be slow it probably has nothing to do with the actual load time of the pages. [UIE Brain Sparks]

Jared, Jared, Jared. . . nearly two years ago, Jakob said: "Consider the question of Web page download time. Everyone knows that faster is better." Doesn't that settle it? I mean, if everyone knows, then everyone knows. What's this Left-Coast warm-fuzzy mush about what users "perceive"? Please, let's not let facts get in the way of what everyone knows!

8:49:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I hadn't realized that I was in such good company when I react negatively to every instance of Comic Sans I see:

Imagining a world without Microsoft . . . I'll be interested to see how Apple fares in his alternative history, but I hope he points out that if Microsoft didn't exist neither would Comic Sans, and that would be a very good thing indeed. . . [The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)]

No kidding, I work with a very competent and serious project manager (who shall remain nameless) who uses Comic Sans in huge, dense, planning spreadsheets. And every time I look at one, I think "Oh, come on, this font is called Comic Sans, do you expect me to take this information seriously?" Font selection counts when presenting information.

8:23:33 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I didn't count, but I suspect that there are more posts in my newsreader today about Yahoo's design patterns library than about Cheney's gun control problems:

Yahoo! Design Pattern Library Launches. Erin Malone wants to spread the word that Yahoo!'s design patterns are now available for licensed (BSD) use. . .Thanks to Erin and her colleagues at Yahoo!... [Bloug]

8:00:40 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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