Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
a card-carrying member of the reality-based community—
"give me a better idiot"


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  Sunday, February 26, 2006

The value of databases:

type in: "chocolate frosted sugar bombs". I'm not sure what's cooler, that there's a searchable database of indexed Calvin and Hobbes comics, or that is hosted at [limon :: by Laura Lemay]

What would we do without technology?

7:08:53 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Or so they say.

Yes, I know, I haven't written anything for nearly two weeks. There's been plenty of news, but you don't need me to know that, and you don't really need me getting all cranky and ranting about the increasing quantity of stupidity in the universe. It's self-evident. Most of the news that I might have written about. . . well, it just pisses me off, and there's already enough anger out there, you don't need more from me. And there's been precious little of interest to comment on in the world of technical communication. I might have an announcement or two coming up, but not yet.

The only thing I feel compelled to mention at this point is the end of the Winter Olympics. This has been the most boring, least interesting, most poorly covered (at least on television) Olympics I have ever seen. Very disappointing. For me, there were only two high points: Bode Miller flaming out in a spectacular 0 for 5 performance, and Emily Hughes nailing a solid seventh-place finish in the figure skating.

Hearing Bode talk[~]both in interviews and in Nike ads[~]leaves me convinced that he has a drinking problem. It sounds like his life centers around partying; he can barely make a statement without alcohol being mentioned. He's in denial about his dismal performance, thinks he "rocked" the Olympics. Phooey. Get this dope out of my face and into recovery.

6:58:09 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 3/5/06; 7:16:30 PM.

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