Monday, March 6, 2006
Fascinating survey, but. . . In 3-1/2 years of working at home (which ended a little over a year ago), I never worked nude. Or without showering, or without getting dressed. I always came to my home office space as if I was going to work in an office with other people. It was part of the mind-game of being at-work, not at-home. I doubt that I could have been at all productive otherwise. How are you going to get anything done if watching television in your sweats is acceptable behavior during work hours? Wouldn't work for me.
9:25:46 PM
Hat's off to Fast Company, and to Tom Peters:
10 Years of Fast Company. Fast Company magazine's March issue commemorates its 10th Anniversary. Get the magazine, and you'll find two mentions of Tom. In the "Cover Gallery," p. 33, the issue with his article "The Brand Called You" is named "the issue that put Fast Company on the map." . . . [ The Tom Peters Weblog] The "Brand You" issue is the one I remember the most. The concept, more than the cover, grabbed me. It no doubt contributed to helping me get where I am today. It helped me realize that I can make my own brand, market the skills that I want to use (not the ones that others want to use), that I can shape my own life. Before that issue, I read and enjoyed Tom Peters. But of everything I've read of his, this article made a difference. Thanks, Tom, and thanks, Fast Company.
9:18:16 PM
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."  Ain't that the truth?!
8:43:59 PM
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