Wednesday, May 10, 2006
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Except, perhaps, conventional wisdom, which, while it may be considered self-evident, is never true.
12:09:55 PM
Tara hits the nail with her head: I'm not all that interested in fringe or not; but I blog for myself primarily, not to build an audience. I'm glad some of you find value in my linkage and opinions, but I'd still do it without you :-)
10:28:37 AM
Yet another reminder that content[~]that is, words, text, sentences, labels[~]are part of your interface design:
What Derek misses is this: if you, the UI designer, are not adept at text-wrangling, find someone who is. That technical writer over there, for instance. In fact, make your writers part of your team. Anyone who provides content in your UI is already part of your design team. Get used to it.
7:25:01 AM
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