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a card-carrying member of the reality-based community—
"give me a better idiot"


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  Wednesday, May 31, 2006

For the record, yes, I now own one of the high-priced rolling briefcases that Bruce references. I've been having stiff-neck problems since the mini-stroke, and decided that one cure would be to stop carrying so much weight in briefcase and laptop bag on my shoulders.
That makes it a medical deduction, right?

Ambient Findability Watch: Victorinox Computer Bag. This Swiss Army computer bag is called the "Webmaster." As a come-on for its core geek demographic, it offers a free "global bag tracking program." Presumably this isn't done with RFID, but there's got to be some kind of unique code or tag in there somewhere. [Beyond the Beyond]

No, it's not RFID. It's a (presumably) unique code number on a card attached inside the bag. You record that number and your contact info on a postcard and send it to the tracking center. So what you're really counting on is that whoever finds your bag is going to not only locate the number in the bag but contact the tracking center. Instead of just hocking or chucking the thing.

And yes, I actually like the bag. It's solid, the wheels are big and roll smoothly, the laptop section is padded and removable (supply your own shoulder strap), it carries multiple loaded file folders plus a book or two or three, plus all the assorted stuff I used to drag around in a briefcase on my shoulder (iPod, flashlight, spare keys, spare glasses, pens, business cards, and so on). After two weeks use, I approve.

9:32:31 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Dan Gillmor's report from the D-Con is the funniest thing I've read all week: how many of us need a "Reality Acquisition Device"?

Acquiring Reality. . . Gates was hilarious, unintentionally, when he talked about the future of mobile phones that handle many other functions. He referred to these gadgets as -- I'm not joking -- "Reality Acquisition Devices" that will, if I understood him correctly, be used to connect digitally to various stuff, such as using the phone to read product bar codes to learn more about the product. . . [ Dan Gillmor's Blog]

As a card-carrying member of the reality-based community, I'm not so sure I need one. I already have a cell phone, that actually makes phone calls, which is what I expect a phone to do. The rest is fluff, not reality.

9:10:54 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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