Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Friday, March 30, 2007

If you missed the trading cards. . .

UX Methods. "The cards briefly describe 16 different methods, deliverables, and ideas that user experience professionals can use in their practice." (Jess McCullin - nForm) [InfoDesign: Understanding by Design]

I think I have a complete set, but left 'em at the office. The online version is certainly nice to have, too.

9:29:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Tagging meets PPT:

Shared Presentations from the IA Summit 2007. "Slideshows for tag: iasummit2007." (SlideShare) - courtesy of elearningpost [InfoDesign: Understanding by Design]

I guess I can see the appeal of SlideShare, such as moving the bandwidth challenge of folks downloading your slides over  to a site that lets anyone play them, and probably sharing your work more widely than you might otherwise. But there's something I don't like about it: can't download the slides to print and mull over away from the computer and Internet connection. For me that's a deal-breaker.

But hey, enjoy the great presentations!

9:07:34 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Still thinking about and processing what happened in Vegas last weekend:


No, my thinking has little to do with Tom Peters and his talk, but the photo somehow feels right--a blur in the foreground, but the horizon's pretty clear. Must mean something.

I felt so good on the way home from IA Summit Monday night. Something happened that I'm not going to talk about publicly, and my head's still spinning. Plenty happened that I will discuss, such as meeting other IBMers, an intimate dinner at an Italian restaurant with 70 of my closest friends (IxDA folks); a smaller dinner with a dozen UXnet local ambassadors; some great talks, some not-so-great ones; new friends and old. I gave away more of my IBM business cards in three days than in the previous six months. I learned plenty and came away with even more to think about and follow through on in discussions to follow, and slides to download and dissect.

And since Monday night I've been playing Sheryl Crow's Leaving Las Vegas on the iPod over and over and over. . . and smiling  a big wide Cheshire-cat grin.

9:00:50 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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