Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Friday, June 29, 2007

Thinking ahead, I'll want to pick up a GSM phone for the Italy trip next spring. So if a European version of the iPhone is out, and folks figure out the SIM card drill, well, maybe. . .

3G iPhone For Europe To Be Announced Monday?. . . A 3G iPhone for Europe will be announced Monday, according to an unconfirmed report from Guy Kewney at Newswireless. [TechCrunch]

9:34:17 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Published this date 102 years ago, Albert Einstein's On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, aka the Special Theory of Relativity. Thanks, Albert!

9:11:39 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

One of the fascinating threads that wove its way through IA Summit, CHI, and UPA this year was about patterns and pattern languages, specifically about UI design patterns, but also more generally about applying pattern thinking to user assistance. So this conversation about design patterns is worth saving:

I'll probably be mentioning patterns again before too long as I dive into some of the books I already acquired on the topic.

6:47:49 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

"Design is so popular today mostly because business sees design as connecting it to the consumer populace in a deep, fundamental and honest way. An honest way. If you are in the myth-making business, you don[base ']t need design. You need a great ad agency. But if you are in the authenticity and integrity business then you have to think design. If you are in the co-creation business today—and you[base ']d better be in this age of social networking—then you have to think of design." Bruce Nussbaum, BusinessWeek,  via [Logic+Emotion]

5:29:53 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Just for the record, no, I am not standing in line with anyone to buy an iPhone. Not today, not anytime soon. Certainly not while it's only from the AT&T network. Fact is, I can't justify having one, not even for the technolust factor. I want my phone to do two things: receive phone calls and make phone calls. The rest is nice, but not necessary. Besides, Verizon Wireless has actually been pretty good to me: great customer service when I need help, good connectivity. Good enough for me.

7:35:26 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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