Sunday, March 21, 2004

Josh Marshall runs some damning quotes from former Clinton/Bush anti-terrorism official Richard Clarke, and says: "The first months of the Bush administration were based on a fundamental strategic miscalcuation about the source of the greatest threats to the United States...That screw up is a reality -- their inability to come clean about it is, I suspect, is at the root of all the covering up and stonewalling of the 9/11 commission...But screw-ups happen; mistakes happen. What is inexcusable is the inability, indeed the refusal, to learn from them."

3:22:27 PM    comment []

James Gleick: "The world is running out of names."

2:18:10 PM    comment []

Jay Rosen: "Todd Gitlin once wrote that strategy coverage invited readers and voters to become 'cognoscenti of their own bamboozlement.' He had a point with that phrase."

12:30:32 PM    comment []

Josh Marshall says about Karl Rove's dirty tricks what I say about the gerrymandered NC 6th district: "That's life. Don't complain; fight."

12:10:00 PM    comment []

Well, I guess we're all Wake fans now. This was a flawed Carolina team, in ways that a new coach couldn't possibly fix -- not deep enough, not big enough -- and in ways he was unable to fix -- not intense enough on defense, not disciplined enough on offense. But the turnaround has begun. Carolina made it back to the NCAA. The program is recovering, and if its stars don't go pro this spring, the team should be very good next year.

Thad: Unfinished Business

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Dean Smith, as quoted by John Feinstein: "Freshmen should be ineligible...It won't happen. The presidents are the ones who can make things happen, but they don't want to do it. The right things never happen because of money."

11:40:59 AM    comment []

The N&R picks up on the bizarre bill backed by Howard Coble: "'This is unconstitutional,' said Michael Curtis, a law professor with Wake Forest University Law School who teaches constitutional law. 'This is a radical departure from our American tradition.'"

11:24:16 AM    comment []