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Thursday, December 09, 2004 |
Since we're talking about Winston-Salem blogs, here's a newish one, and also a Twin City mainstay. 5:12:51 PM ![]() |
Steven Landsburg in Slate: "Though Dickens might not have recognized it, the primary moral of A Christmas Carol is that there should be no limit on IRA contributions." 5:08:12 PM ![]() |
"You can have two different sides, a Northern perspective and a Southern perspective." On slavery, that is. So says the principal of Cary Christian School, according to this story in the N&R; Larry Stephenson was defending the use of a pamphlet called Southern Slavery, As It Was at his school. Make sure you use Amazon's look-inside-the-book feature at the title link above. These guys aren't just setting the record straight on slavery, they are refuting the lyrics of Neil Young. The school has withdrawn the book from its curriculum, not because of its arguments but because it was plagiarized. Hey, this guy says it's not such a bad book. 5:04:38 PM ![]() |
News & Record: "Local Web developer builds site for Greensboro-based Weblogs" "So, far 28 blogs are listed on Greensboro101.com, and Smith is adding two or three more every day." Roch tells Amy Joyner he wants to sell ads, and that he hopes to add a Winston-Salem101.com. (I am not an investor in Roch's company, but I did buy half-ownership of the domain names "x101.com" for several North Carolina locales with him, not including Greensboro, which is where I think he would be wise to concentrate his attention for the moment.) 4:54:11 PM ![]() |
Hey CBS: when you run a corrected version of a story you screwed up, you need to include a note explaining that an earlier version made a mistake. At least that's the way we do it here in that wasteland of journalistic standards that you call "Internet blogs." 2:26:49 PM ![]() |
I just had lunch with N&R editor John Robinson and Kathy Lambeth, who is running online business development for the paper. We had a long conversation about where the local blog market is going, and what roles the News & Record might play. My observation was that the N&R will be instrumental in creating this market as a business environment, and may provide many of the services (eg local ad sales) needed by bloggers. I did the Long Tail dance and pointed to Tim Oren and Henry Copeland. Everybody was speaking the same language, it was pretty forward-looking and exciting. I don't know specifics of their plans, and they don't know them all, either. 2:19:51 PM ![]() |
WaPo on local blog media...and the State of Things audio in which we discuss local online alt media and Greensboro101 (starts about halfway through the file). 11:44:46 AM ![]() |
Dimebag Darrell shot dead on stage, gunman and three others killed. This is not Spinal Tap. Former Pantera guitarist headed Damageplan. 8:36:05 AM ![]() |
Business Week: "And bloggers are finding all kinds of ways to make money doing what they once did as mere labors of love. They're signing up with independent ad distributors, striking revenue-sharing deals with large aggregators, landing direct sponsorships by corporations, and getting hired to blog for companies." 8:20:20 AM ![]() |
Ivan Cutler is cheerleading for the High Point furniture market at his industry blog: "Start punching and keep punching hard, High Point, showing the crowd that you still have what it takes to remain the champion." Inside Furniture is now included in the ToC at Greensboro101. 8:15:42 AM ![]() |
I made a quick run to Durham last night to talk blogging with some students at the North Carolina School of Science and Math. They knew Xanga and LiveJournal, some were blogging already, they digested the Long Tail meme in one gulp. Smart questions. I warned about legal responsibility for bloggers, one writer shot back a question about copyright protection for her own work...Nice of them to have me. The School itself is impressive, and a great resource for the people of North Carolina, a tuition-free boarding school for gifted kids from across the state. Even better: led by Greensboro's own Kay Hagan, the legislature recently made tuition at NC system universities free to NCSSM grads, to attract more students and help keep all that brain power in the state. 8:12:21 AM ![]() |