Here's a wiki for the Chapel Hill blog conference. The idea is to collect "any ideas, links, names or readings that could help make the two sessions as rich as possible." Have at it.
Already on the list to come: Paul Jones, one of the real pioneer heroes of the Web.
Blogroll Me
Readers say...
"Ed Cone writes one of the most useful weblogs by a journalist." -- Jay Rosen
"generally smart and interesting" -- Monkeytime
"What is this all about? Why are you blogging it?" -- My mom
"Ed, your apology will be cheerfully accepted" -- Glenn Reynolds
"Ed is a powerful dude" -- Dave Winer
"an exemplary, even canonical journalist weblog" -- Dave Winer
"Ed Cone's Column -- The new Viagra?" --- frograbbitmonkey
"Ed Cone's column…gets the culture right" -- Doc Searls
"the Ed Cone blog is trying to be reasonable, mainly...he's a journo with a blog on a mission" -- Richard Bennett