Updated: 11/27/09; 8:08:31 AM.
The Mediaburn Radio Weblog
"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Monday, February 14, 2005

Have A Huge Valentine's Day!
A picture named flaminheart.jpg
8:12:18 AM    

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History's Greatest Love Affairs
New Podcast - History's Greatest Love Affairs. Join us each week as we broadcast the story of one of history's many star-crossed pairs of lovers. Produced with period music and professional narrators, this program is a small jewel to share with someone you love (or would like to). -Subscribe here [ipodder News]
7:23:22 AM    

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iPodder.org Directory
3075 Podcasts listed. As of this morning the iPodder.org directory passed the 3000 mark. We are now actively tracking 3075 podcasts in over 60 categories. [ipodder News]
7:19:13 AM    

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Six Impossible Things
Lewis Carroll. "Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." [Quotes of the Day]
7:16:34 AM    

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Pourquoi e aujourd'hui. Voici la symbolique de Sat... Pourquoi ça m'est si difficile de demander/accepter de l'aide ?

Les Skywalkers ont enfin vaincu leur bête noire ! Détails à venir.

Intéressant extrait d'un courriel d'une connaissance de Robert concernant les propriétés acoustiques de cette tour située dans le nord de l'Iran :

(...) in northern Iran stands a celebrated tower, built entirely from brick and dating from the twelfth century, which commemorates the rule of a local monarch. It is generally thought of as a sort of folly, and indeed rather resembles an English one, though it is far more ancient and generally held up as an architectural marvel and something of an anomaly, if not a work of genius. I attach a photo I took. But that is about all, conventionally. It is publicly accessible but, being empty inside, is not used for anything at present.

However... even from the exterior, the configuration of the structure reveals an advanced understanding of acoustics. At a distinct point about twenty metres from the entrance, one's voice is unmistakably reflected to one's ears, as though amplified, in a most disturbing (to me!) fashion; and inside - well, yes, it's empty, but what an emptiness! I'd often wondered, from a distance as it were, what the place might have been for. And last year, when I was visiting for the second time, out of curiosity I sang the lines from La Boheme when Rodolfo seizes Mimi's freezing hand in the darkness... and it knocked my socks off.

The sound generated was truly extraordinary. I might have been Pavarotti. My voice was taken upwards, swirled around, and returned, resonant and purified. I was with two friends; we froze on the spot. I had never heard such sound. It is very hard to describe; a real voice would have sounded heavenly. It really went into our bones, and left us stunned. Nothing I have heard came close to it. The latest digital mixer couldn't have done a more sublime job. It dawned on me then that such acoustic genius could not have been accidentally created, and I am convinced that the building was used for musical sessions long ago. There is nothing inside but a circular stone platform at the base, where people used to sit; and suddenly it took on new meaning.

So, my experience there confirms what I have encountered in writing about Iran and aspects of Persian culture; namely that in essence Persian music is all connected with the idea of Paradise and its intimations here on Earth; and they knew how to make you feel you've died and gone to Heaven. Until recently there was no such thing as 'popular' Persian music as this was confined to the (formerly) royal and intellectual elite. But to mention the very word 'music' is problematic in the sense of what music is designed to achieve, since we are mostly trained to think of music as a sort of recreation.

And it strikes me as likely that the building in question was used as a musical forum. The only comparable site I know personally is Thoronet Abbey near Provence, which demonstrates exceptional resonance. Such things are seldom accidental; but the European dimension has been competently investigated already.

There is another structure in Isfahan where the elaborate, hollowed out spaces in the walls have been put forward as resonating chambers, again for royal musical sessions. The point is that the people of the era knew what they were doing.

I am sure one day the tower's acoustic/harmonic properties will be rediscovered, and people will flock there. But not quite yet. Meantime, everyone from Caruso to Sting can eat their hearts out because for a moment I sounded better than all of them.........

Red Saturn :

Intéressante synchronicité que cette photo soit publiée aujourd'hui. Voici la symbolique de Saturne selon le guide du tarot "Lord Of The Rings" :

Saturn, the planet symbolic of building, creating, and making things real and lasting.

Saturn is also the planet of challenges from the material, real world, making us get our act together to be able to achieve the things that are important to us. Under such conditions, it can create a sense of isolation, even despondency, in the lives of those who experience it. It is therefore aligned in its negative aspect with depression, a world-weariness, and a sense of carrying heavy burdens and excessive responsibilities in life.

En plein dans l'mille ! Pas surprenant que je voie rouge ces jours-ci... - poligraf [The Daily Poligraf]
7:10:21 AM    

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