Victor Ng's Radio Weblog : armed with cocoa, an ibook and too much spare time
Updated: 4/4/03; 12:23:31 AM.


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Thursday, December 5, 2002

I've been poking around for a decent XML/HTML handling library the last couple of days. First I came across Apple's CoreFoundation CFXML service libraries over here, but it seems like all of Apple's internal XML handling is done procedural style.

Lots and lots of snippets that look like this:

CFXMLNodeRef CFXMLNodeCreate (
CFAllocatorRef alloc,
CFXMLNodeTypeCode xmlType,
CFStringRef dataString,
const void *additionalInfoPtr,
CFIndex version

It hurts my head.

Then I stumbled over the libxml2 library from GNOME which happens to be precompiled for OSX by Zveno.

It's not horrendous - but it's still C and it hurts my pathetically simple brain.

Then there's the GNUStep project which has a GSXML library that wraps libxml2 albeit with some caveats - but I think it should be good enough.

I had to fudge around with the source files, but I've gotten the code to compile - whether or not it works is another question.

Grab the source here: in the SourceCode section. You'll find a GSXML tarball.

License is the all powerful, all viral GPL2. :-)

If it doesn't work - or if it does work - give me a shout. Maybe those GNUStep folks will merge the code.
1:05:32 PM    

Anyone have GSXML working under OS X?

I saw this message thread:

which was slightly confusing about the current state of affairs.
3:32:06 AM    

Ok - so I like Objective-C and Cocoa, but there is defintely some wonkiness to it. Some weirdness with lexical scoping. Haven't had a case where I got screwed with it yet, but something to look out for.

Something that's been irritating me for a while though is the lack of a decent framework to write out XML data. Am I just supposed to go out and use the GNOME libxml2 libraries?

What's everyone else doing?
2:00:19 AM    

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