Victor Ng's Radio Weblog : armed with cocoa, an ibook and too much spare time
Updated: 4/4/03; 12:23:44 AM.


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Monday, December 9, 2002

The standard battlefield dose to protect against nerve gas is 2.0mg, repeated every few minutes if necessary. Of the 3,502,000 doses ordered by Iraq previously, and approved by the sanctions committee, 3,464,000 were of 0.6mg. A further 35,000 doses were of 1.0mg, and just 3,000 of 2.0mg. [Guardian Unlimited]

It appears the US propaganda machine is in full force now.

Time to bunker down and start warming up your RSS aggregators and start getting news feeds that question the 'official' story.
11:42:23 AM    


Phoenix is bloody fast.

Grudgingly - one of the weakest things on the Mac is the painful rendering times that the web browsers have. IE is tolerable, Mozilla 1.2 is excusable - but it's just too much of a memory hog. Chimera is nice, but it still 'feels' slow when adjusting window sizes.

I want to like OmniWeb, but it's not very standards compliant so there's really no contest there.

Phoenix just spanks them all in the ass.
1:24:28 AM    

I've been getting a lot of feedback from other budding Sherlock programmers on how to localize they're Channels.

So - being the lazy kind of guy I am - here's a quick HOWTO on how to localize your Sherlock Channel. Hopefully, the emails will stop. :-)

Presenting Vic's Nutshell guide on localizing Sherlock Channels:

1. Find your localized project files

You'll see locale specific files in your Sherlock project under the /Channel/.lproj directory.

So in my case for Canada411, I look for:


which is the directory for english localization files for my project.

The files which you're concerned with are your NIB files and your LocalizedResources.plist.

2. Externalize all your strings

You shouldn't be putting in locale specific strings into your code. Pull them all out and stick them into your LocalizedResources.plist file. You can use the PropertyList editor that ships with the Apple developer tools - you'll find it under /Developer/Applications/Property List Editor.

Or alternately - you can just click on a plist file and the editor will open automatically for you.

3. Copy your localized lproj directory and target a directory name with the new locale name.

Example: I copied .../Canada411/Channel/en.lproj to .../Canada411/Channel/fr.lpro

4. Change your NIB file in your new localization to reflect any language changes that must be made. Remember - if at all possible you should just pull out all locale specific strings into your plist file and set text values are channel startup time.

5. Pat yourself on the back. You're done.

That's all for now - have fun!
1:10:35 AM    

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