Colorado has created the Colorado Statewide Internet Portal Authority. They are charged with bringing Colorado into the 21st century and begin to offer services that many other states have been offering for years. The Colorado Deputy CIO refers to the existing Colorado portal as "a (year) 2000 or 2001-ish definition of a portal." I think he may even be generous with that.
more on this topic from the Rocky Mountain News
Here's the bill that creates the "internet portal authority". They have about two months to get a plan in place:
"The commission on information management shall adopt a preliminary plan for implementing the statewide internet portal no later than July 1, 2004. The commission shall develop the plan utilizing the commission criteria and standards for review of communication and information resources, communications and information resources technologies, and data processing systems."
Looks like a very bureaucratic way to get the portal going. ...whatever works
Oh, it looks like Leroy's already got a plan ready. That's good. The plan says that they reviewed portals identified in the Digital State Survey and the Best of the Web. "States evaluated for this effort included: Washington, California, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Indiana, Arizona and Texas." Hmm, no mention of the 2003 Best of the Web first place finisher. I think that fits with the Colorado attitude that nothing good can come from Utah...
Here's another interesting quote from the Colorado plan: "Few state portals are enterprise initiatives." Huh? What are they then. And then there's this: "Texas is the best example of an external authority being created to operate the statewide portal initiative (TexasOnline)." No, I think that would be Virginia.
Also according to the plan, "It is irresponsible for the state to develop, support, and maintain multiple ‘state portals’. State entities must participate in the portal, and be restricted from construction of redundant capabilities through legislative mandate or executive order." Do they really have to mandate this? If the portal is first class, I think agencies would want to participate.
Compare the Colorado state portal to Denver's portal. I think Denver is light years ahead - except for the fact that Denver is using a dot org URL. Let's see if the state can catch up.
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