Wednesday, December 01, 2004 |
After undergoing extensive usability testing, the Utah Department of Workforce Services has unveiled their redesigned website at jobs.utah.gov, one of the most widely used sites in the state. DWS serviced over 1 million job referals in the first 9 months that the service was online.
1:51:39 PM
Yesterday was the deadline for property tax payments in the state of Utah. Like in previous years, a number of counties allow you to search for people who are delinquent in their payments. Others, like Utah County, let you see the entire tax history of any given parcel. So, I can see what my neighbor is assessed and how much he has payed. You can see just about all the info the county has regarding your parcel (or anyone else's for that matter). The most recent issue of Property Writes includes this item about some new technology being tested by Utah's Property Tax Division:
The Natural Resource Section is also in the process of testing an ArcPad GIS program to determine how this program application can be used to improve our fieldwork. With this program, aerial photos and locations of mining properties can be loaded on the note pad. A GPS instrument is connected to the note pad and indicates your location. This looks promising as it shows roads that are not on topographical maps. This program will also be used in locating oil & gas wells and mine sites.
Hopefully, they will share that information with the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, and with the State Geographic Information Database.
1:05:49 PM
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