David Fletcher's Government and Technology Weblog : news & perspectives from a long-time egov advocate
Updated: 1/3/2005; 8:15:46 AM.



Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Citizen satisfaction with federal egov services continues to climb.  I find it very interesting that the National Cemetery Administration has the highest satisfaction rating (95) of all sites surveyed.  Nothing special about the website, must be the mood people are in when they access it.

Mike Leavitt should do a great job at HHS.  He began talking about technology almost immediately in his introduction speech following the President's introduction.  HHS has prepared an inventory of their web content with priorities for publication as they prepare for a website redesign.  That will be timely and give Gov. Leavitt and chance to put his mark on the process.  They have also updated their strategic IT framework.  In a health information technology summit that involved HHS, some people are still relating the industry to an iceberg for how slow it adjusts to tech trends.

I received a call from the Center for Digital Government asking what Utah is doing to implement ITIL.  The answer is: a lot, even though we don't have a project using the formal ITIL framework.  It may make some sense for us to align these initiatives with the ITIL structure.

Aradyme Corp. of American Fork, Utah is working with Covansys to implement a statewide voter registration system in Nevada.

5:26:43 PM    comment []

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