Normally I try to steer clear of politics, but Ashcroft is a real danger to the democracy. Jon Turley of GWU had a well written piece in the LA Times yesterday. I have the sense the Mr Ashcroft is the sort of person who Margaret Atwood had in mind in The Handmaid's Tale.
If destroying democracy is a goal of the terrorists, Mr Ashcroft is one of their most important tools.
While on the subject of cranks and loons ...
Moving out of the muck and mire it seems reasonable to hunt around for information on the interesting weather much of the Northern Hemisphere has been seeing of late. It turns out the PDO is dominating the formation of a large El Nino event. It is remarkable what a little instrumentation and tell...
Before signing off for the morning it occurs that there may be some Ashcroft filks.. yup ...
Most are poorly written (as is true of much of filkdom), but they get the point across and hopefully inspire others.
6:39:39 AM