The Daily Enron is not the sort of place that Fox News viewers would approve, but give it a try if you've lost a bit of money and aren't happy with the underlying structure and/or administration.
For those of you who are Mac users, Apple has announced a family plan license that allows a family to install the OS on as many as five hosuehold machines. Unlike Microsoft's approach, it is based on the honor system.
The National Weather Service has resources that are offer a much deeper look into the weather than what the Weather Channel serves. Most of it is very raw and very fascinating.
The Pew Charitable Trusts has been doing a series of nice Internet usage studies over the past few years. The latest study deals with use of the Internet in schools and by students. Amazing as it sounds considering the resources that have been spent on getting Internet into the schools, this has been a poorly studied area.
Fascinating stuff and required reading!
8:13:18 AM