Let's say you need to rent a tesla coil for that special event. In the UK you might try HVFX.
Very useful for that birthday or that unforgettable wedding!
Amateur builders can locate hard-to-find parts and get friendly advice from Bill Wysock. I've built several coils over the years and recommend him. Those with more money than time can buy his coils. His larger coils - the model 13 for example - border on the terrifying.
KVA will rent coils for special effects. They have been featured in more than a few Sci-Fi movies, but it is amusing to dwell on other venues. Politicians and CEOs perhaps...
The dry conditions in the East have produced some remarkable skies over the past few weeks that have been causing me to think about the light I grew up with in Montana.
This morning the Times published a piece that brought back more images and feelings.
There can be real drama at twilight with crepuscular rays extending across the sky and amazing hue changes over the span of a few minutes. Many places have their own special light, but the East Slope of the Rockies is amazing.
7:15:17 AM