A tip of the hat to Wayzen for this link. ..
Why not protect the Earth against an asteroid extinction event with a really big airbag?
I was wondering what Dan Quayle was up to these days. Quayle was a none-to-bright rich kid who found himself in national politics with George the First. A short search turns up some of his notable quotes...
a few samples:
Most women do not want to be liberated from their essential natures as women.
-- Vice-President Dan Quayle, while campaigning in Kansas City, MO, 9/2/92 (reported in the NY times, 9/3/92)
Speaking as a man, it's not a woman's issue. Us men are tired of losing our women.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle talking about breast cancer
We're in Florida.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle explaining why he had just purchased four peaches (and no citrus fruits -- for which Florida is famous) at a Publix supermarket in Oakland Park, Florida. Georgia (which IS famous for peaches) did not gain from the transaction, however; the peaches were from Chile. (The Sunstenial)
Our future competitiveness demands that true environmentalists and responsible leaders not allow the well-intentioned concerns of the American public to be manipulated and exploited as a means to re-establish unnecessary regulatory, economic and social controls.
* Vice President Dan Quayle
I do -- I do -- I do -- I do -- what any normal person would do at that age. You call home. You call home to mother and father and say, ``I'd like to get into the National Guard.''
-- Senator Dan Quayle, 8/19/88 (reported in Esquire, 8/92)
There was no influence used. I didn't have to use any influence because before I applied, there were openings, when I applied, there were openings, and after I applied, there were openings. Those are the facts. And if you're interested in the facts, there they are.
* Senator Dan Quayle defending the way he got into the National Guard (from `The Unofficial Dan Quayle Video').
It's wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.
* Vice President Dan Quayle, 4/30/91
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Mars is essentially in the same orbit... somewhat the same distance from the
Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals,
we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If
oxygen, that means we can breathe.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
and his finest moment...
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind
at all. How true that is.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle winning friends while
speaking to the United Negro College Fund
Such a remarkable moral and intellectual creature... It turns out that these qualities have been recognized and he is serving as a military consultant to Dick Cheney.
A premium membership is clearly worth the bucks at Salon. They have an interesting (and chilling) article about another version of the TIPS proposal that is being considered. The really chilling thing about this one is that Lieberman is a supporter showing that disreguard for the Bill of Rights is alive and well in both parties.
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