My First UserTalk Script
Look, no hands!
I've written my first useful UserTalk script. It retrives the
OPML version of a Manila story and saves it to my local stories
folder. This allows me to easily edit one story in one place and
have it appear in multiple sites: a private Manila site and my
Radio weblog. Once I verified that it worked, I added it to the
scheduler (something that's not well documented--I'll work on
that.) Here it is, if anyone is curious:
on outlineToStory () {
«3/3/04; 1:30:41 PM by SK: first writing
file.writeWholeFile ("C:\Program Files\Radio Userland\www\stories\radioFeatureWishList.opml", (tcp.httpClient (method:"GET", server:"", port: "80", path:"/steve/stories/storyReader$7.opml", flAcceptOpml:"true")))}