Reverse sorting of the aggregator in Radio
Warning: geeking post ahead. For those that read my weblog for more personal stuff--sorry, this is me. I can be a geek sometimes. I also cook like a geek, but that's another show...
A really nice guy named Scott on the radio-dev list posted a simple code change for the news article sort order in Radio's aggregator. Here it is verbatim...
The "fix" that I did to change the sort order for Radio was in:Radio.root:
Search for "sizetable" and you ought to find this line:
for i = sizetable downto 1
Which I changed to be:
for i = 1 to sizetable // downto 1 - SCL 2004-03-02
This simply reverses the order when creating the page.
At the end of this same code chunk I searched for:
local (flDeleteButtonAdded = false)
And then added a new line above it:
add ("Total number of articles: " + sizetable ) // SCL 2004-03-01 Show total articles
This adds the total text at the bottom of the page. I wanted to add it at the top, however it would require more code changes ... Maybe 3-4 lines.
Also ... After changing this file, I do the "Compile" ... However the changes do not seem to take effect immediately ... I have to wait a while before my changes are usable ... Seems to be cached someplace?
Now, if I could get the number of articles at the top vs. the bottom, I'm set...