I'm wondering alot.
To my regular readers:
I haven't posted much regular content lately for varying and conflicting reasons: motivation and desire. For that I apologize.
Stuff I've been thinking about:
- Radio Feature Wish List
- iPhoto Tool
- A Python interperter for UserTalk
- Apache, PHP, MySQL could be the core of almost any piece of software
- How can I get to BloggerCon for less than $400?
- Is anyone from Userland going?
- Can an outliner like Radio be a PIM?
- What would a developer program do for UserTalk? Could people write tools that were small, cheap and easy to use that other people would pay for?
- Atom doesn't matter now that RSS is raging.
- I turned an old iMac into a server that gets hundreds of hits a day with no complaints. How many old computers are out there that could do the same thing?
Other stuff:
My wife and I celebrated 8 years of marriage at the end of February. It seems like it's just started. She's a gift to me that I cherish everyday. I love you, Tammy.
We unknowningly gave each other watches as gifts. Funny and sweet.
I'm trying to lose about 15 pounds in the next 90 days. Two pounds a week is healthy and after hearing the news today that we are all fat, it's time to get up and blog from a treadmill once and awhile.
That's it for now. I'll code a little tomorrow and Friday. My friend Patrick is working on something exciting and I'm hoping to help more.