Updated: 10/18/2005; 11:40:55 AM

  Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I'm wondering alot.

To my regular readers:

I haven't posted much regular content lately for varying and conflicting reasons: motivation and desire. For that I apologize.

Stuff I've been thinking about:

  • Radio Feature Wish List
  • iPhoto Tool
  • A Python interperter for UserTalk
  • Apache, PHP, MySQL could be the core of almost any piece of software
  • How can I get to BloggerCon for less than $400?
  • Is anyone from Userland going?
  • Can an outliner like Radio be a PIM?
  • What would a developer program do for UserTalk? Could people write tools that were small, cheap and easy to use that other people would pay for?
  • Atom doesn't matter now that RSS is raging.
  • I turned an old iMac into a server that gets hundreds of hits a day with no complaints. How many old computers are out there that could do the same thing?

Other stuff:

My wife and I celebrated 8 years of marriage at the end of February. It seems like it's just started. She's a gift to me that I cherish everyday. I love you, Tammy.

We unknowningly gave each other watches as gifts. Funny and sweet.

I'm trying to lose about 15 pounds in the next 90 days. Two pounds a week is healthy and after hearing the news today that we are all fat, it's time to get up and blog from a treadmill once and awhile.

That's it for now. I'll code a little tomorrow and Friday. My friend Patrick is working on something exciting and I'm hoping to help more.

Via Dave: InfoWorld RSS requests higher than web requests

This is a day I'll remember for quite awhile. Dave points to an article by Chad Dickerson at InfoWorld. Chad says his RSS feed requests into his webserver are now higher than the number of requests for the site's index page.

Wow. Truely a tipping point.