Updated: 10/18/2005; 12:13:59 PM

  Saturday, March 27, 2004

Red Bee Designs has an RSS feed

I finished hand-coding an RSS 2.0 feed for my wife's business and it really is simple syndication. I did it by hand because:

a) I haven't set up Radio's rendering to do this for me yet. That happens later this weekend.
b) I promised my wife it would be simple. The design *is* simple, but the backend is a little more complicated. If I spent time automating it first, it wouldn't be done until next week. As it stands now, it's finished visually and I have a great idea where the *right* spots are to automate.
c) I promised a friend of mine (no link--he doesn't have a weblog) that I would try PHP for this.

I wrote a narrative for the Red Bee Designs LLC site, if you want to know the hows and whys.