Book Reviews
![]() Reasons: 'Years ago, when I was a law clerk, I was impressed by how much Judge Posner could accomplish with one simple question. He would ask, "What exactly is the purpose of this law (or proposed rule)?" It was astonishing how often lawyers would stare or gasp, unable to answer this most basic of questions. [...] Yet so often Government is failing this simplest of tests. Copyright, our favorite topic, is full of stuff that lacks what lawyers call a rational basis. If you really ask - what does it accomplish to extend copyright on existing works by 20 years? How does that promote the progress of Science? There just isn't, and wasn't an answer.' [Lessig Blog]
![]() The "Big Mac" Supercomputer Biz: "Apple wasn't a serious playr until researchers discovered how well its high-end computer clusters perform for a relatively low price." (via MyAppleMenu) [MyAppleMenu]
![]() An Ode To iPod: "To Steve Jobs' fans (I am one), he's the Edward Tufte of digital design, sculpting objects of desire out of metals and plastics that somehow marry Art Deco with Frank Gehry, the classical with rock and roll, the pragmatic with the magical. Nowhere does this resonate more than with the iPod." [MyAppleMenu]