Book Reviews

[Day Permalink] Thursday, August 19, 2004

[Item Permalink]  -- Comment()
Columnist apologizes: "You probably remember an exchange we had back in January, 2004. You had just introduced the new iPod mini at Macworld. I wrote a column opining that the mini was too pricey -- only $50 less than the iPod -- and destined to flop [...] Well, the mini is not a flop. In fact, it's a hit. I can't deny it. So, here's my apology, Steve. The mini is no Cube. I was wrong, and you were right."[vowe dot net]

[Item Permalink] Spam like poetry -- Comment()
I noticed an interesting spam message in my junk mail folder: "Would you like at least $1500.00 to $3500.00 per day just for returning phone calls? I do! ..." The interesting part was rest of the message, which was apparently designed to fool spam filters (it didn't). But this reads like poetry:
The shining golden kitchen stinks.
Our slopy sofa falls.
His brothers beautiful soft fancy underwares falls and his stupid forg prepare for fight however, whose smart carpet show its value.
Her bluish binocyles calms-down.
Any given white bra is thinking.
The bluish book prepare for fight.
Any soft round-shaped gun show its value or our children fancy shining bed is thinking as soon as any slopy bicycle stands-still.
The little cat arrives as soon as any stupid forg is on fire or their well-crafted printer is thinking and still the soft little soda show its value.
A fancy hairy round gun calms-down.
A fancy odd shaped cat looks around and still any given bluish exam book sleeps or our shining exam book makes sound.
Mine expensive baby makes sound.
Our children red round computer sleeps.
A given green smart pensil is angry or maybe the shining omprella prepare for fight and the beautifu!
l purple round-shaped well-crafted carpet stares or a well-crafted caw calms-down.
His brothers fancy round spoon calculates.
A shining small computer show its value as soon as his brothers little tall tv walks.

[Item Permalink] Lil' Kim fills a much-needed hole -- Comment()
I really thought that the NY Times article on Lil' Kim was parody or satire. The text read like humor pieces by S.J. Perelman, H.L. Mencken or Woody Allen. But apparently Lil' Kim is a person, not a satirical invention. (Thanks for pointing this out.) Now I'm pleased. If Lil' Kim would not exist, she should be invented. She fills a much-needed hole in the collection of famous personalities.