Friday, January 17, 2003

The Late (Rough) Show

Just enough time to collect my thoughts from these past weeks. I'll be putting these bits and pieces together to make a process document so that anyone can install my free ceramic exhibition....

This is Art being made right in front of your eyes, here I said before if you like hot dogs, don't visit the factory....


  • Artist's Full Name: John Norris
  • Address:
  • Date: TBD (I'll complete this when the final process doc is done.)
  • Technique / Medium: Proces Art / Paper, Ceramic Mugs
  • Edition: non-sequential, unlimited
  • Additonal Information: By completing the process outlined in the process documentation for this exhibiton, one will have an authentic Objectification of Art- Expository ceramic exhibition.

How about the title:
Objectification of Art - Expository

Artist Statement

The Exhibition:

Art is commonly thought of as some thing that communicates, or conveys meaning. The art object is often judged to be a good work based on how well it brings meaning to the viewer.

I would like to draw one's attention to something that is outside the object itself but is an important component of that communication of meaning.

That component is the object's title.

This exhibition is about the art object's title and how it lends meaning.

Brief on Techniques Used:

In this exhibition, I am using several techniques to diminish the importance of the object and to draw one's attention to the title.

By having the exhibition created by another, I am distancing the Artist from the work. This distance shows that the artist is not closely associated to these particular objects. The artist did not directly confer special meaning on these particular things.

Using repetitive forms/objects, but different titles, shows the less importance of each object.

Since the exhibition can be going on in many locations at the same time, indeed without even the knowledge of simultaneous showings, the objects, and even the exhibiton itself, are further devoid of individual physicality...yet the titles remain.

The titles themselves include references to the different types they are, how they were created. Thus, they point to themselves as things of consideration.

The Sea Awaits - Evocative

Processes based, Interactive, Internet, Art - Expository

Mug- Descriptive

Opus 3 - Classification

Untitled - Decline to State

Installer title for piece ___________ - Interactive

Check John-Norris.Net for title - Changeable

gloating spittlebug
shaking, slowly, fruits romping
dockyard flees, agile

- Random (courtesy of the Genuine Haiku Generator,

The Process

A simple way may be to just place our objects each on a small square of white paper. (Easy enough for folks to get.)

Another clue, and a critical piece to our exhibition, is having a label

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
11:32:37 PM