Korean Buddhist Prayer Container Analysis Part 7
Continuing the method of analysis brought forth a couple of months ago.
5. Animals (or any figure):
Hmmm...well the image we have is pretty fuzzy on details. I would venture to guess that the elements on the lower base are some sort of figures (animals, people, gods, something else?) The 3 panels in the middle section may include figures as well. Even the 2 levels at the top may have some sort of figures in relief...hard to tell...
So let's make it up!
The lower part of the base has several large elements. I'd like to think they look like a temple dogs (or Lion-Dogs.) These Lion-Dogs guarded Buddhist temples. That seems like a great element for a base, guarding the container from the more earthly creatures/concepts.
The middle area could be reliefs done in the form of Korean buddhist mural paintings. These are populated with a multitude of figures and would convey buddhist principles.
The upper two levels and knob could also hold figures. I'd hazard to guess that the knob may be in the shape of a lotus flower. (This flower is a common symbol in buddhism.)
OK...so the figures I propose may not really appear in this particular container. However, we can see how such figures could be used to good effect.
For more on Buddhist figures and symbols, (on ceramics!) one should check out this guide to Korean symbology (on celadon pottery.)
...had to work in a bit of clay here...it has been awhile.
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