Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Astronomical Surface Decoration - China, part VII

Continuing (to search the Internet, a couple of books, tips from a friend, help from my wife for, recollections of museums I've visted in Asia, asking folks at sci.archaeo.logy.moderated, ClayArt, and rec.antiques) our look into accurately portrayed (or just about any representation of) celestial bodies (or something similar) used as decoration on ceramics (holding less firm on that bit this today as well.)

Well, as the folks at rec.antiques mull it over, I've asked the good people at sci.archaeology.moderated, and ClayArt.

Hit Google, AllTheWeb, Altavista, DogPile and even eBay to no effect...

I feel the need to use Your Sky set to Beijing and my Cafepress site to come up with something myself!
10:26:10 PM