Tom Pierce's Blog : Let the geek times roll.
Updated: 6/20/04; 2:59:28 PM.


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Thursday, December 12, 2002

Docbook for My Main Document DTD?

I'm wondering if I shouldn't use Docbook for my main DTD.  I just saw the JDE user's guide is put together with a Docbook DTD.  The XML is pretty clean and the tags make sense.  I need to look in to it further.  

4:05:46 PM    comment []

Nethack has Poisoned My Productivity!

Ok, well not really, but it was fun to write.  I was looking for a game for my new Windows CE device and stumbled upon the CE version of Nethack.  I have never been a Rogue or Nethack player, but lately I've felt a pull to get a little RPG action in.  So, I downloaded.

It's tre cool.  Of course, it's completely old-school, but I find that sort of refreshing.  I'm finding myself amazed that it's such a rich gaming experience.  One part of this amazement is because it IS old-school.  It's not as graphical, it doesn't have a bunch of sound effects, things don't happen in real time, etc.  However, it's a good old dungeon game that exercises your imagination.  Another part of this amazement is that it's OSS.  I shouldn't be amazed at the later (look at Linux, Zope, etc.) , but I find myself intrigued that a bunch of guys got together and just did this.

The reason Nethack is poisoning my productivity is because I can see myself playing it instead of doing things that I "should be doing".  But, as long as I don't let it consume too much time, I suppose that there's nothing wrong with it.

I find myself wishing I could explore the Mazes of Menace right now...

9:25:15 AM    comment []

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