Tom Pierce's Blog : Let the geek times roll.
Updated: 6/20/04; 3:00:05 PM.


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Friday, December 27, 2002

Edit your Radio outlines on your Palm!  Check out Rick Klau's article on Palm blogging.

4:00:14 PM    comment []

Just started playing with Kylix, and I have to say IT IS COOL!  I've been using the C++ side instead of the Pascal because I don't know Pascal.  I have to say it's truly a RAD environment!  I'm very excited about it and I've only played with it for about 20 minutes.  Everyone should take a look at it if they are interested in cross-platform RAD development!

So much for playing with Perl and XUL.  Will have to come back to that...

2:42:18 PM    comment []

Struts v WebWork again.

Dylan is moving from Struts to the WW and has an interesting perspective on the benefits of WW:

"There's a lot to like about WebWork: it's simple to configure, is a lot smaller in terms of mindset-investment than Struts, and the expression language rocks. The EL is a very xpath-like syntax for accessing bean properties, and accesses a sort of "stack" that corresponds to levels of access. "

And JoeO's #java FAQ has an interesting entry named Why are people so down on Struts?

"It's very popular, written up in many books, and violently loved by many... yet #java tends to sneer at morons who feel that Struts is THE WAY.

Here's a short list of why Struts is looked down upon..."

Food for thought anyway

1:34:11 PM    comment []

A must-read article in today's NY Times about the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. It's larger than North America and has doubled in size in the 20 years since it was discovered. The lifestyle of people at the southern end of South America has already changed. "We feel like we are rabbits in a laboratory experiment," said Ivan Mansilla Vera, 36, an engineer and father of two young children. "Nobody knows what is going to happen to us." [Scripting News]

This is such a sad state of affairs.  I remember in the 80s when people were laughing at scientists because they came out and said that there was a hole and CFCs were what caused it.  To this day, there are people who lament the loss of Freon air conditioning.  I'm sure that the ban on CFCs was not adhered to world-wide.  I also believe there are other factors working against the ozone layer as well.

In addition to the NY Times article above, everyone should read The Ozone Layer FactSheet from Ohio State University.

8:38:20 AM    comment []

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