Tuesday, December 17, 2002 |
So farewell then, OS/2 - Windowed to death, finally. 'Better Windows than Windows' Losedows [The Register]
I'm experiencing renewed sadness at this. I remember when IBM said that it would always back OS/2 and that it was in the OS war for the long haul. Then, a few months later just after OS/2 Merlin came out, IBM announced that they were going to use it only as a proprietary OS for embedded systems and not support it on the desktop. Now the legacy is over. Man, it was a sweet OS!! I remember being so pumped that I could fire up Turbo Debugger in a window and edit my assembly in another and the two never crashed each other. So sweet... especially "in the day".
6:35:56 PM
Tim Knip has Groove talking to Radio. Apparently it was quite a bit of work. I'm surprised because Radio has a BDG-compliant SOAP implementation, and that's a very big target and it's totally frozen. I guess it's no secret that I feel that as new implementations come online they should be tested with the ones that came before and they should interop. [Scripting News]
Smack! Looks like a melding of tools is happening. When will there be some searching? Of course, you could spider your Groove content after it was posted to Radio...
5:29:18 PM
Weblogging at Work
Just thought of a great use for weblogging where I work. I have a habit of keeping a file of project notes for each project I work on. I usually organize them by day with separate entries for each day. I put in issues, resolutions, things I did to the system that were of note, comments about meetings, etc. This is essentially a weblog or k-log waiting to happen! It's actually happening on my hard drive, but it's not in a place where my teammates can have access to it.
There are some things that would need to happen:
- Secure the weblog by category (or project in this case) so that only certain people could see it. Sensitive information, you know.
- Publish the weblog to a company intranet server.
- Establish a practice within the company of people creating a weblog with project notes for each project
- Set up spidering of everyone's blogs so that you could search for information
- Link the blogs together to find information about a particular topic, project, client, etc.
3:46:08 PM
Just found a cool topic linking tool for Radio called liveTopics. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but it sounds promising. Sounds like it can automatically link topics to related items in other places on your weblog. It's meant to be a k-logging tool that automatically creates a knowledge map. Cool.
9:01:46 AM
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