At first I thought it was an interesting problem - or curious, if you will. Every few seconds all the machines on my network would lose connection to my router. On my fancy new Dell, it looked as if the signal was completely fading out. Curious because I was sitting right next to the router.
However, I've gone from curious to enraged. Neither my wife nor I can maintain a VPN connection to our workplaces. Long download? FOHGETABOUDIT!
So, what the hell is causing the problem? Yah, I don't know. I've been through all 11 channels and I've settled on 1 where none of my neighbors seem to lurk. I've enabled WEP, disabled WEP. I've changed almost every setting that could be germane.
The only thing that I can think of that is different is the fancy new Centrino in my laptop with XP Wireless Zero Configuration. However, the problem doesn't necessarily go away when I turn my laptop off. I have to fiddle with the router - reset it, smack its settings around, etc. Then I have to try to reconnect with another machine and sometimes reboot. I've found that somehow after enough of this the other machines can start seeing the network again.
AND, it's not that I can't get the laptop connected. I can! It's an intermittent problem that manifests itself once a day.
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