iTunes is really, really cool. However, I've never really taken time to explore it thoroughly. I just do my basic file management and go on my merry way.
This morning I found something new. I had several new files that didn't get the metadata wasn't found in CDDB correctly. So, I decided that I would edit the metadata myself. I selected all the files and went to File, Get Info. iTunes asked me if I was sure I wanted to edit the information for multiple files. I said, "Yes. Yes I do."
At this point was when I said, "AWWWW YEAH!" I saw that not only could you edit artist, albumn, and genre information, but you could add artwork adjust the volume of the files, and (best of all) set an equalizer preset for the files! YES! Not only did I assign the correct information, but I also set the equalizer to Spoken Word so that I no longer have to adjust it manually on my iPod. I really want to go through and do this for several of my albumns. I'm jazzed!
6:27:06 AM