Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:13:14 AM.


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Saturday, February 26, 2005

LewRockwell: "Iran is proposing to develop something far more threatening to Bush interests than nuclear capability, WMD's, or even terrorists. According to this interesting article by William Clark, Iran has been planning to set up an international oil exchange denominated in the Euro currency. What needs to be understood is that if the world begins to primarily price crude in Euro, America will suffer as a net importer of the product, which incidentally will harm American corporate profits. The Iranian example as argued by Clark will be just like many US wars in the past. As Smedley Butler argued war is essentially the ultimate form of corporate welfare."
And that would be the reason why so many Americans accept war, torture and dictatorship. It's in the American interests, so it is good. That is what all totalitarian states say.

Corporate America does not care about Americans at all. If they can produce cheaper elsewhere they move to cheaper countries. Nevertheless, they expect Americans to stand up for them and give their lives for the corporate welfare if necessary. What about welfare for the hard-working American citizen for a change?
The corporate hounds are overdoing it a bit. "The suicide rate for U.S. Marines rose a dramatic 29 percent in the past year, most likely because military operations are coming at too fast a pace, says the Corps' top dog."
Greed is blinding Corporate America and the deluded American thinks those corporate wolves are going to take care of him/her. They don't and they won't.
11:20:33 AM    

A picture named Possessed.jpg The American Conservative: "A conservative knows not whether to laugh or weep, for Mr. Bush has just asserted a right to interfere in the internal affairs of every nation on earth. Why? Because the 'survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands'. But this is utterly ahistorical. The world has always been afflicted with despots. Yet America has always been free. And we have remained free by following the counsel of Washington, Jefferson, and Adams and staying out of foreign quarrels and foreign wars.

Who is feeding the president this interventionist nonsense?
The president now plans to hector and badger foreign leaders on the progress each is making toward attaining U.S. standards of democracy. 'We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and nation - the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right.' This is a formula for 'Bring-it-on!' collisions with every autocratic regime on earth, including virtually every African and Arab ruler, all the 'outposts of tyranny' named by Secretary Rice, most of the nations of Central Asia, China, and Russia. This is a prescription for endless war. Yet as Madison warned, 'No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare'.

Giddy with excitement, the neocons are falling all over one another to hail the president. They are not conservatives at all. They are anti-conservatives, and their crusade for democracy will end as did Wilson's, in disillusionment for the president and tragedy for this country."

Whereas other presidents are even shot, the present one seems to be impervious to any democratic control, checks or balances. Why has Bush not been arrested yet? Why has he not been silently removed from office by a cunning CIA action? Behind Bush stands a cabal of ideologues who have taken control of almost all channels of power, the judiciary, the executive and the legislative. Democracy has been nulled. When even conservatives call Bush 'the possessed', something is deeply rotten in America, indeed.
12:06:55 AM    

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