Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:39:14 AM.


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Wednesday, March 8, 2006

"Thirty years after the war ended, hundreds of Vietnam-era deserters are still on the loose. Conti's [a Vietnam war deserter] attorneys say the Pentagon, and the Marine Corps in particular, are cracking down on long-term cases in an effort to warn current-day troops in Iraq against deserting."
USAToday: "At least 8,000 members of the all-volunteer U.S. military have deserted since the Iraq war began, Pentagon records show, although the overall desertion rate has plunged since the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001."

The real criminals are in the White House and they should be arrested and tried for war crimes. The Iraq war is an illegal war that also resulted in a breakdown of democracy and sovereignty all over the world.

Guardian: "The government last night admitted for the first time that aircraft suspected of being used by the CIA to transport detainees to secret interrogation centres had landed at British military airfields."

NYTimes: "The military is placing small teams of Special Operations troops in a growing number of American embassies to gather intelligence on terrorists in unstable parts of the world and to prepare for potential missions to disrupt, capture or kill them."

Zbigniew Brzezinski: "America today is the world's most sovereign state. To be sure, in our time the concept of sovereignty has been largely drained of content by the reality of increasing interdependence among states. For most states, sovereignty now verges on being a legal fiction.
Democracy for some without social justice for the many was possible in the aristocratic age, but it is no longer possible in the age of mass political awakening. The promotion of democracy must therefore be linked directly to efforts seeking the elimination of extreme poverty and a gradual diminution in global disparities.
Only with America's sovereignty dedicated in an historically relevant fashion to a cause larger than its own security will the American interest again coincide with the global interest."

Brzezinski is not a leftist but a right-wing ideologue. However, he has a clear view of reality. What he means by 'America's sovereignty' is 'American imperialism' and the erosion of the sovereignty of other countries by American power. The Roman Empire could exist as long as it provided welfare and improvement for the conquered nations. The American Empire is bringing nothing but poverty and destruction; it has no moral or ethical code, no human vision, it is bound to falter.

At present we see an America that increasingly resembles the fundamentalist dictatorships it claims to fight. The mentality of its politicians is morally corrupt. Where else could someone be running for a seat in the US Senate as a democrat, and believe homosexuality should be a felony, punishable by death?
11:47:34 AM    

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