Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:39:33 AM.


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Friday, March 17, 2006

A picture named US torture.jpgA picture named Bush nazi.jpg George W. Bush is a profoundly disturbed person. His National Security Strategy is proof of that:
"America also has an unprecedented opportunity to lay the foundations for future peace. The ideals that have inspired our history - freedom, democracy, and human dignity - are increasingly inspiring individuals and nations throughout the world. And because free nations tend toward peace, the advance of liberty will make America more secure."
Bush is laying the foundations for perpetual war. How dare he speak of freedom, democracy and human dignity when he is imposing his belligerent national American ideology on other countries!
His list of achievements is a blatant lie. America is losing the war and losing influence all over the world. The only impact the Bush regime has is military and it is a moral and military debacle.

"This Administration has chosen the path of confidence."
Not at all. Bush has chosen the path of fear; fear to instil in the minds of the whole world population by his wars and fear for terror in the minds of Americans. He reigns by fear.

"Free governments do not oppress their people or attack other free nations."
Exactly, George, why then did the US attack Afghanistan and Iraq (and lots and lots of other countries in the past)? And why are you planning more attacks on what you call rogue nations when you yourself are a rogue president?
Why is even your own American jail system based on violence and abuse? The US Gulag has 2.1 million prisoners.

"America must continue to lead."
Which means the world is your empire. America leads in violence and war. And hypocrisy.

"The United States must champion aspirations for human dignity."
In this manner, George?

"Helping the world's poor is a strategic priority and a moral imperative."
You godforsaken hypocrite! America alone has 51 million low-income citizens, of which 25 millions are children and you are worsening the situation each day by financing your tax relief with cuts in social security.

"Genocide must not be tolerated."
By now, we are getting used to American genocide.

"In the cause of ending tyranny and promoting effective democracy, we will employ the full array of political, economic, diplomatic, and other tools at our disposal, including speaking out against abuses of human rights."
George W. Bush is personally responsible for the abuse of human rights at Guantánamo Bay.

Bush's Strategy talks about 'igniting a new era of global economic growth through free markets and free trade'. First, there is no such thing as a free market, it is regulated by the major players. Second, it is causing increasing poverty.
But the choice of the verb 'ignite' is right. It is in fact a setting fire to the world, to social welfare, justice and peace. Nero too was a great 'ignitor'.

Does Bush think the American citizens are complete morons who would swallow this kind of crap? If they would while knowing about his lies and violence they are neo-nazis. Bush is a neo-nazi, devoid of any sense of reality and morality. His new strategy is fascist, it is propaganda of the worst kind. It is not about security but about war and destruction. Bush is a madman and in his new strategy he is willing to pre-emptively use nuclear weapons and terrorise America.
May God save this world from madcap politicians who would kill again and again.
11:57:21 AM    

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