Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 12:09:52 PM.


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Friday, August 3, 2007

FinancialTimes: "European governments are warning Congress that US legislation aimed at Iran could hit European energy groups, undermine transatlantic unity on Tehran's nuclear programme and provoke a dispute at the World Trade Organisation."

WashingtonPost: "The House yesterday approved legislation vastly expanding a federal health insurance program for the children of the working poor, shrugging off a fresh veto threat from President Bush and the fierce opposition of House Republicans."
12:35:38 PM    

Editor&Publisher: "At a recent press conference at Camp David, President George Bush insulted BBC political editor Nick Robinson, the Daily Mirror reports.
Robinson, who has asked Bush pointed questions in the past such as whetherthe president was 'in denial' over the Iraq war, posed a question to Bush about whether he could trust visiting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown not to 'cut and run' from Iraq.
Bush replied with a dismissal: 'Are you still hanging around?'
Later on, Bush poked fun at the bare-pate of Robinson, joking, 'You'd better cover up your bald head, it's getting hot out.'
The respected British reporter shot back, 'I didn't know you cared.'
Bush responded with a cool, 'I don't.' The Mirror reports that Bush then 'snorted disdainfully' and 'walked away to laughter'."
And this moron is the self-professed emperor of the world!

Guardian: "Gordon Brown spent two days at the American presidential retreat of Camp David emphasising the importance of soft power. Judging by the gift he received from George Bush, however, the message has not quite got through.
Inside a large box wrapped in lurid gold paper with the presidential seal on top lay Mr Bush's idea of the perfect memento - a leather bomber jacket with Gordon Brown's name written on a black badge."
Brown should have given Dubya an airfix kit.
12:31:55 PM    

Guardian: "The Home Office is considering giving the police the power to take a DNA sample on the street, without taking the suspect to a police station, as well as taking samples from suspects in relatively minor offences such as littering, speeding or not wearing a seat belt."

And I'm in favour of capital punishment for politicians who lie, even about their extramarital relations.
12:21:23 PM    

EconomicPolicyInstitute: "Economic growth in the current recovery has been very unbalanced, with all of the income growth from 2001 to 2005 (the latest available data) accruing to the upper 5% and, in particular, the upper 1% of households. In fact, the bottom 90% of households experienced a 4.2% decline in their market-based incomes1 (see the March 28, 2007 Snapshot), representing a loss of $1,293 per household on average from 2001 to 2005 (the latest year data is available). Had income growth been shared equally during this recovery, the bottom 90% would have been $2,071 better off than they actually were in 2005 (with a $778 income gain, instead of a loss)."
12:16:55 PM    

AlterNet: "Pepsi is being forced to change the labels on its Aquafina water to admit it is tap water. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, as activists are ramping up campaigns against the water-bottling giants, Coke, Pepsi and Nestle."
12:11:45 PM    

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