Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 12:10:11 PM.


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Friday, August 24, 2007

EUObserver: "The European Commission is set to push ahead with the idea that production and distribution channels need to be separated in energy companies, making it Brussels' furthest-reaching intervention in the sector yet."

Revolutions don't begin with the protest of the victims of a regime. They start when the regime pushes its myths too far over straining point, when its tenets have become unsustainable, when the reigning principles have become dogmas and everything has to give way to what they call 'progress', when the system has become abusive.
We are reaching that stage now. Western civilization is in its death throes. The new neocon dogma is 'money', not people. In fact, 'money' is essentially 'against people'. The system can't or won't manage the welfare of the citizen, so they concentrate on the welfare of the multinational company. First they are breaking down all public organisations and replacing them with as many as possible private enterprises. Competition will soon see to it that there will be a concentration of power again, this time not in the hands of the government, but of the Corporation.

And here is where it all starts. Health care, public transport, energy, education are no longer public concerns, they have been privatized and deregulated, which means they are in the hands of private entities out of control of the public and politics. Health care is seen as a way to profits, not as a means to alleviate the pains of the citizen.

Natural resources, like oil, coal, water, ore, woods, are the property of the citizen, or rather 'were'. They have been or are being sold off for a pittance to the greedy, irresponsible, faceless neocon corporations. The responsibility to the nation has disappeared completely.
When energy and public transport are no longer under public control, each nation is at the mercy of the greedy, faceless and unaccountable corporations. Governments no longer decide on the future of nations, they are transferring their power to The Corporation. Corporations will manipulate governments and the community. They will use force. They are using force. Just look at the wars in Congo and Iraq. What is at stake? Huge natural resources of ore and oil.
And as these corporations bear no responsibility for the future and welfare of the nation, they have no obligation to sustain the community. The community will have to sustain the corporation and its wars.

How do civilizations break down? By adhering to untenable dogmas even in the face of proof of destruction. You see the signs in all levels of society. First and foremost the greed of the neocons. Then the disruption of values among the population. When kids kill each other with guns, something has gone terribly wrong. The uneducated take over the behaviour of those in power. There is violence every day as we see it on tv. And the Bushes and Blairs are the latter day role models for the violent youth.

The revolution has just started.
11:11:44 AM    

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