Jim's Pond - Go, Explore, Contribute
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

-- Albert Einstein

Thursday, December 8, 2005

No, really, take a vacation day

It always seems so reasonable. Yes, this is a scheduled vacation day. But somebody wants just a couple of minutes of my time. So, could I just come in to the office for a quick meeting. It won't take long.

If that scenario played out once a year, or just every so often, it wouldn't be such a big deal. But it happens way too often. Take the last few weeks, for example. The week of Thanksgiving was supposed to be about relaxing away from the office. And for the most part I did stay away.

But on Monday I needed to drop off my receipts from the SC|05 conference, pick up some mail and say hi. No harm there, right. Except that by the time it was all said and done I didn't leave until noon.

Tuesday was spent entirely away from the office, and not work was transacted if you don't count the lunch meeting to discuss some billing issues with our telco team and the two hours of afternoon phone calls to arrange a quick trip to North Carolina.

Wednesday afforded a relaxed morning, but one an important vendor realized that we hadn't talked for a while and wanted some of my time in the afternoon, so that took a few hours of time. Worthwhile, for sure. I'm just not a good vacationer.

On the Friday after Thanksgiving I took time to catch up on e-mail. It had been a few days and stayign away from those messages gets to be too much to take.

I'd been planning an extra vacation day for Monday, November 28th. I'd looked forward to having that bit of extended rest. Instead I spent the day in meetings and the night struggling to get to Cincinnati. Not at all what I had in mind. Tuesday wasn't much better. Instead of landing and heading for home, there were issues to attend to at the office. So that's where I headed. Even though I did get home my mid afternoon, my day had started at 2:30 AM MST and that gave me about 12 hours. It seems a bit insane. It probably is..........

11:01:21 PM    comment []

© 2006 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 1/4/06; 3:10:10 PM

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