Dive into BC4J and ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper 10g

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Monday, October 06, 2003

In case anyone else attending the Microsoft PDC '03 conference in Los Angeles might benefit from having the session/timeslot information in an XML format, I spent some time reverse-engineering the XML information that was embedded in each HTML page on the PDC agenda site and put it here. I hunted around looking for the same thing on the PDC web site myself, but wasn't able to find it. I was looking for a way to produce myself a custom schedule, and using this XML file (together with another XML file that listed the session code numbers I was interested in going to, and a little XSLT stylesheet) I was able to accomplish that.

The pdc-sessions.zip file in the same directory contains a sample mysessions.xml file and a planvert.xsl XSLT stylesheet to allow you to produce a custom schedule by adding entries to the mysessions.xml file, then transforming pdc-sessions.xml using your favorite XSLT transformation engine. The pdc-sessions.xml and mysessions.xml file should be in the same directory when you do this. Have fun.

DISCLAIMER: I added three sessions to the file by hand to represent the keynote/general-session slots so they would appear in my final output. The Microsoft site warns that the schedule info is subject to change, so I extend that same warning about the XML info in that file.

12:46:07 PM    

© Copyright 2006 Steve Muench.