Dive into BC4J and ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper 10g

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October 2003
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Monday, October 20, 2003

How were you able to write Struts Actions in the BC4J Toy Store Demo's controller project which forward to JSP pages in a different project?

The trick is that the different projects all share the same setting for their "HTML Root Directory" on the Common "Input Paths" panel of the project settings.

They also all share the same value ("BC4JToystore") for the J2EE Web Context Root and J2EE Web Application Name.

8:49:53 PM    

You can now download from OTN two new versions of our Oracle XDK:

9:34:57 AM    

© Copyright 2006 Steve Muench.