Dive into BC4J and ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper 10g

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October 2003
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Friday, October 17, 2003

A reader asked, "Can you provide us an index to your blog? It's not so easy to find past entries."

I've found that one of the cool things about blogs in general is that their content gets quickly indexed by Google. With a little trick I learned from the Google Hacks book that I picked up at the bookstore at JavaOne, I hacked up a little search form on the home page of my blog which tacks on an extra inurl:0118231 to your search term so that it narrows your search to just URL's that have this number in it. Net result, it appears from quick testing I've done that this little search box should make it easy to find past entries containing certain terms you might be looking for.

10:12:00 AM    

© Copyright 2006 Steve Muench.