Dive into BC4J and ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper 10g

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October 2003
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Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Chris Schalk, product manager for our web application development features in JDeveloper, cranks the engine on his brand new blog. Chris has been looking after the features in JDeveloper like our new visual editor for JSP pages, among other web-related features. Subscribed!
8:35:51 AM    

Today at the Paris OracleWorld conference, between my two shifts on the demogrounds, I had a chance to stop by and chat with Peter Ebel and Ton Kooten from our team in Oracle Consulting that produces the JHeadstart application generator. We work with Peter, Ton, and others on the JHeadstart team usually over email, so it was nice to meet face to face. Peter was kind enough to give me an extensive demo to bring me up to speed on what they've been working on for the latest release.

JHeadstart adds in additional features to JDeveloper that lets your generate complete BC4J and UIX applications based on some higher-level application preferences. Their latest release supports generating Struts-based applications, as well as offers a choice of either UIX or JSP for the view layer. I had always wanted to point readers to their homepage, but it was a little hidden on OTN and not so easy to find. Hopefully, but following this link, you'll go checkout some of their viewlets and demos to see what JHeadstart might have to offer for further boosting your productivity.

12:17:18 AM    

© Copyright 2006 Steve Muench.