Using the beta version of Oracle Messenger that a lot of us inside Oracle are helping to test for an upcoming feature of Oracle Collaboration Suite, I just quickly chatted with Brian Duff about how to mark a file as unmodified in CVS from inside JDeveloper 10g if you've accidentally dirtied it. I was looking for a menu option like "Mark as Unchanged" -- similar to how my Outlook email reader as a "Mark as Unread" command, but I didn't see what I was looking for.
Brian told me that what I wanted to do was to update my local copy of the file with the previous revision that was checked into the CVS repository. Not being a CVS expert, update wasn't the verb I was looking for so I just kept scanning by it in the menu. With that straightened out, I clicked on my file in the Application Navigator, selected the Versioning > Update... command from the right-mouse menu, and then ticked the box to [x] Perform Clean Update.
After confirming that that was indeed what I wanted to do, the little superimposed asterisk glyph indicating the file was modified kindly reverted back to the peaceful "no changes" symbol. Yeah!
We were chatting about what menu option might make this operation more obvious to developers unfamiliar with CVS in the future, and we both liked "Revert to Previous Revision" or "Forget Changes". Brian updated the feature team Wiki page that we're using to track ideas for improving this feature in future releases, so hopefully some future JDeveloper will make this operation easier to find for CVS newbies.
5:07:57 PM