Monday, January 19, 2004 |
Glad the stupid Iowa caucuses are over. It was Carter who put those on the map, apparently. Well, Carter was the last, true dark-horse nominee. Among other differences, that was back when the primaries were not all bunched up with everybody trying to be first, so that an unknown might burst forth in Iowa or NH, and slowly build momentum. The nominating world is so different now, I don't for the life of me understand why the Democratic candidates treat Iowa as so important.
10:03:35 PM
The labeling of my home's breaker panel is quite poor. I really need to re-do the whole thing. I assume the requirement for proper is spelled out in electrical codes; it should be enforced at inspection. Such an easy thing to spot-check, too.
It would also be much better if the labeling were physically aligned with the breakers. It seems to me that this could be accomplished by having two smaller panel covers, hinged on each side and meeting in the center.
9:49:45 PM
Now that I finally have Outlook set up on my new PC, I started getting "550 not local host aol.com, not a gateway" bounce messages. They were coming instantly upon sending, so clearly from my own email gateway provider, not a bounce from my addressee's service. I'm not sure why, but I thought I might be exceeding my space limit, so I tried to log on to my email admin page to look, but that page error'd out. So I was frustrated, but assumed my hosting company was having problems. Then I checked later tonight, and the admin page was back up and the account looked fine.
So I entered the error message in Google, and found this page, which had a Q&A for this error, saying "You are probably trying to send E-mail through our mail server while not connected to our network, or while using our dialup. All our mail servers will reject email sent that does not originate from our network". The first part was definitely not true for me (plus I have nothing to do with these Lonetree people), but the second part rang a bell. I read their linked page, and remembered--I need to set the outgoing server authentication in Outlook! I did that, and all seems well. It would have been nice if the error message had given me a clue.
This is probably one more reason to use a program like Desktop DNA when migrating computers. Though I am a little suspicious whether it covers this relatively advanced feature.
9:43:17 PM
We went out to buy everybody ice skates today. Then came home and I took the two girls skating at the minimalist, outdoor "rink" at our neighborhood Pioneer Park. It was in the high single digits, and Beth and Seth were having none of it!
So we super-bundled up, mutliple layers. It really wasn't that bad, because for once, it wasn't windy. We all were pretty warm. Ainslee's feet got cold toward the end. Anyway, it was nice to be out, and fun skating, even if the ice was very rough.
9:33:56 PM
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