Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:26:28 AM.
Erik Neu's weblog. Focus on current news and political topics, and general-interest Information Technology topics. Some specific topics of interest: Words & Language, everyday economics, requirements engineering, extreme programming, Minnesota, bicycling, refactoring, traffic planning & analysis, Miles Davis, software useability, weblogs, nature vs. nurture, antibiotics, Social Security, tax policy, school choice, student tracking by ability, twins, short-track speed skating, table tennis, great sports stories, PBS, NPR, web search strategies, mortgage industry, mortgage-backed securities, MBTI, Myers-Briggs, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI, Phi Sigma Kappa, digital video, nurtured heart.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004
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Here's a way to really make sure mass transit is unpopular--design it so it makes traffic worse!. Okay, that wasn't exactly the intent, but this article in (of all places, the Minn Star-Trib) seems pretty damning to me.
10:44:32 PM    comment []
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There is a lot of talk in the air about tort reform. Hopefully we will get some. Besides the direct cost of liability, there is the behavior driven by concern over liability (some justifiable, perhaps some not). This causes defensive maneuvers (e.g., extra testing, aka "defensive medicine"), or sometimes outright avoidance of doing something that would otherwise clearly be beneficial, usually altruistic. Also, the widespread acceptance of liability as a legitimate "trump card" provides a smokescreen for dishonest justifications (for instance, my YMCA prohibits use of non-YMCA-employed personal trainers out of liability concerns, when you know darn well, they just want to maintain their monopoly on that lucrative service).

A recent news story about a local grocery store that abruptly announced an end to its policy of donating past-sale-date baked goods and produce is a case in point. (They have since reversed course, btw.) Apparently, they were afraid of doing a good, altruistic thing, because it might cause them liability problems. Or, alternatively, they had other motivations, but were hiding behind liability.

10:39:23 PM    comment []
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Encyclopedia professionals may disparage Wikipedia, but where else could you quickly, reliably find an authoritative, analytical explanation of the heavy metal umlaut?
9:52:49 PM    comment []

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