Monday, December 27, 2004 |
My encounter with "German Life" magazine did yield a small serendipity...I have always disliked the use of the word "fresh", as a way to describe impudent behavior. Mostly because it doesn't seem to make any sense at all (I know, neither do lots of other expressions, but for whatever reason, this one has always bugged me). Well, according to this scholarly paper, the term "is from German 'frech'."
11:08:59 PM
It seems like there is a magazine for every conceivable niche interest, and then some. Passing by the magazine rack of an independent bookstore, I came across "German Life" magazine (an English-language publication). Off the top of my head, I can't think of one single person that would be interested in it (and I know plenty of people of German heritage).
11:05:47 PM
If only progress on the "video achievements" front came as fast as audio. I started that 1 year ago, and with only very occasional dabbling (it is so time-consuming), have't gotten far.
9:16:13 PM
My comments in some Wikipedia discussion of the term "yuppie":
" I definitely come down in favor of "Young Urban Professional". I definitely agree it is more often (mis-)used in the senses discussed here. I clearly remember reading an article in Time magazine, sometime in the very early 80s, discussing the phenomenon of Young Urban Professionals. The point was that, for the first time since WWII, such people were moving, voluntarily, into urban ares, away from the suburbs they often grew up in (rural areas were not really in play). "
9:13:55 PM
The kids got a couple of PC games for Christmas: Oregon Trail and Mall Tycoon. Not bad games at all, content-wise. But I hate dealing with games on the PC. They are just so prone to cause problems, what with their resolution flipping and so on. Then some of them require you to have the CD in, others don't.
It's probably not that hard, but since I have zero game experience myself (ref previous comment about time), I don't have an experience base to build on, and am always working under the gun--kids eager to play, me interrupted while trying to do something else.
9:12:19 PM
Okay, after years of meta-participation (reading about the technology), I've finally entered the modern age of audio. In the past few days I have:
- Copied an audio CD.
- Ripped an audio CD.
- Burned an MP3 CD.
- Copied files to an MP3 player.
All those are, of course, routine. The main reason I haven't actually done any of them is that I just don't listen to much music. It's not that I don't like music. It is the same problem as watching sports--it is a pleasant thing to do, but there are just too many higher priorities. But Beth likes to listen to music when she exercises, so I got, ahem, her a gift of a 512 Mb MP3 player for Christmas (like an iPod, but smaller and less capacity).
Of course, I've been busy "figuring it out" for her ; ). It has occurred to me that I still have use for an MP3 player, too: listening to news, and probably some podcasts as well (definitely don't need an iPod for that). Which brings me to my "bonus" audio achievement:
- I downloaded a demo copy of ReplayRadio and ripped NPR news shows as they were streamed. The program is basically TiVo for audio on your computer. I have the demo, but it only costs $30, so I foresee a purchase. I listened to it at the gym today (I read while I do cardio stuff, but I can listen while I lift).
Beth still hasn't had a chance to use her gift yet. :)
9:07:20 PM
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